Conflicts - Making Conflicts Work For You
Course Overview
Differences among people exist because each person is a unique individual. Therefore, conflicts are natural and inevitable. It is even more challenging for people working in a multi-cultural environment, where people’s expectations are continually changing. Understandably, conflicts tend to have a negative connotation. But, it is possible to make conflicts work for you! This 1-Day Making Conflicts Work For You Workshop will enable participants to apply conflict management strategies that will draw out untapped, potential benefits.
Course Objectives
Upon successful completion of the workshop, participants will be able to:
- Identify the sources of conflict
- Describe personal mindsets in dealing with conflicts
- Explain the concept of interest-based conflict management
- Describe how to draw out untapped potential benefits residing in conflicts
- Relate appropriate conflict management strategy to various situations
- Share the skills for managing conflicts constructively
- Describe the 5-Step technique for
- Develop a Personal Action Plan for Making Conflicts Work For You
Course Outline
Managing Conflicts – The Journey Begins
- Revisiting the meaning of conflict
- Warning signs of conflict
- Main causes of conflict
- Positive and negative aspects of conflicts
Conflict – The Power Within
- Personal mindset – The power of perception
- The untapped power of conflict
- Mental model for tapping the power of conflict
Interest-based Conflict Management
- The 5-Step Strategy for managing conflicts
- Identifying common ground of mutual interests
- Collaborating to achieve interest-based solution
- Relating appropriate strategy to different situations
Skills for Managing Conflicts
- Empathetic listening – using the 5 senses
- The power of body language
- Diffusing negative emotions
- The magic of silence
Techniques for Managing Conflicts
- Elements of the 5-Step Technique
- Contextualising the 5-Step Technique to real-life scenarios
- Identifying pragmatic actions for managing conflicts
Transfer of Learning
- Developing a Personal Action Plan for Making Conflicts Work For You
Training Methodology
- Group Discussions
- Experience Sharing
- Real-Life Case-Studies
- Skills Practice / Role-Plays (based on contextualized scenarios)
Who Should Attend
- Leaders, Managers, Negotiators, Executives
- Parents, Teachers
Program Duration
1 day (8 hours)