Learning and Personal Development
Course Overview
Learning and Personal Development (LPD) looks at the development of an individual to proactively undertake lifelong learning and to share his or her knowledge and skills with co-workers for contribution to workplace productivity and effectiveness. It also addresses the individual’s ability to understand diversity and change in the global context and to adapt to the impact of diversity and change in the workplace for sustained employability in the knowledge economy.
Course Objectives
- Recognize the importance of lifelong learning, such that one will be pro-active in his / her personal and professional growth.
- Develop a Learning Organization Culture in the organization.
- Adopt a global mindset to cope with diversity and globalization, to remain competitive as an individual and an organization.
Course Outline
Learning is never a destination but a journey. This programme aims to get individuals to embark on their personal journey of lifelong learning and be aware of global change taking place and its impact on their performance in the workplace and show how they should constantly upgrade and learn in order to be effective and competent worker in the new economy.
Participants will experience and learn to:
- Access and interpret information derived from news media
- Identify implications of global competitiveness on one’s job and adapt to changing job conditions & expectations
- Identify the impact of diversity and how to use effective approaches to working within a diverse workforce
- Identify change
- Identify methods to respond to change
- Identify appropriate resources for various uses and references
- Identify training and development needs and set learning goals
- Identify personal learning styles
- Demonstrate the ability to apply or transfer knowledge and skills learnt in one’s job situation to another
- Learn from others and help others learn
Training Methodology
Experiential methods of learning will be applied to enable participants to learn and practice the concepts and skills taught during the programme: Mini-lecture, Activities, Role Plays, Group Discussions, Exercises, Presentation, and Written Assessment.
Who Should Attend
Operational and front-line staff who need to understand the impact of global change and the need to constantly upgrade themselves.
Program Duration
2 days or 16 hours