Desire To Serve - Internal Customer
Course Overview
Too many organizations focus on service skills set and miss the importance of MINDSET, not only for serving external customers but also internal customers.
DESIRE TO SERVE WITHIN (SERVICE WITHIN; TO SERVE US) is designed in having this perspective in mind.
While service to external is important, it is the mindset for serving internal customers that will enhance service to external customers. Mindset change is the Catalyst for creating an internal service culture in an organization
Activities, role plays and experience-sharing are linked to mindset for appreciating the value of serving internal customers.
Your perspective on service has a major impact on how you interact with your internal customers. It can make the differences between providing adequate service and excellent service with a heart.
Course Objectives
- Revisiting the need for internal customer service, in the context of the organisation’s Vision, Mission and Goals.
- Appreciating the how rendering internal service that will consequently strengthen external service.
- Managing emotions for serving internal customers.
- Inculcating the perpetual desire to serve internal customers.
Course Outline
- Define what internal service is, and how it affects external service.
- Recognize that internal service delivery is an “individual response value.”
- Understand how your own emotions and behavior impacts the behavior of others.
- Able to see the strong linkage between People, Process and Product.
- How to commit yourself to providing excellent internal service.
Program Duration
1 day